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Someday I will get bigger, that day will come too fast. 
So we need special keepsakes, so moments like this will last.

I can't bottle up that newborn smell for you (how good would that be right?!) But I can help you remember their tiny toes, cute yawns, and the way they held your finger when they were just days old. 


When Shall I Book?

My Style 

I recommend getting in touch any time after your 12-week scan as dates get booked up in advance. 

We'll get a date booked in but I'm always flexible with this incase baby is early or late. Within the first 14 days is best - to get all the newborn feels. 

If you're looking for timeless and natural photos - I'm your girl!

Using baby-led posing and no props (just the odd blanket and the cutest neutral cotton bloomers), your baby and your love is 100% the focus. 

Family and sibling shots are included. 

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